America Stands Tall

New York City
Union Square Photographs
Photo by Matthew A Perosi

I don't know why Union Square became the largest candlelight vigil in New York.
If I ever find out I will post it here. However I have a theory which makes sense...

On September 12, 2001 the lower part of Manhattan was closed to all
people so rescue workers, inspectors and cleanup crews could do
there jobs. 14th Street runs east and west straight across Manhattan
and n
o one was allowed south of it for a few days. At that time the
Union Square park was the closest point you could get to the disaster
area, and in fact it is the only park on 14th Street.

The photograph below shows how the initial candles were placed on
14th Street at the corner of Union Square on the wall of a construction site.
It would only seem natural that more candles brought to Union Square those first
few days would gravitate to the park rather than flooding the street next to the
construction site. Of course, after lower Manhattan was reopened to Canal Street
the huge candlelight memorial vigil at Union Square simply continued.
So this is just my theory, if anyone knows the truth please email me.

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